Kai Umeda

Area Extension Agent, Turfgrass Science, CALS Cooperative Extension

Maricopa County - The nature and purpose of the Area Extension Agent, Turfgrass Science, is to develop and conduct an educational extension program to assist professional turfgrass managers in solving priority problems using research based information and technology. A county-based applied research program addresses current and future turfgrass industry needs and areas for improvement in desert turfgrass management. Weed control and pest management are areas of emphasis with additional collaborations with research faculty and extension specialists at the Karsten Turf Research Center. Research and technology information transfer is coordinated with research faculty and extension specialists and then transmitted through newsletters, research reports, seminars, field days, and electronic media. Communications and interactions with other local, state, and federal agencies and organizations are conducted to promote and ensure the future viability of turfgrasses for landscapes, recreation, and sports in the desert.