Xubin Zeng Professor, Hydrology and Atmospheric Sciences Agnese N. Haury Endowed Chair in Environment Director, UA Climate Dynamics and Hydrometeorology Center 520-621-4782 xubin@arizona.edu
Guo-Yue Niu Associate Prof., Hydrology and Atmospheric Sciences, College of Sci. 520-331-8451 niug@email.arizona.edu
Laura Meredith Assistant professor, School of Natural Resources and the Environment laurameredith@arizona.edu
Ali Behrangi UA Distinguished Scholar and Professor, Hydrology and Atmospheric Sciences behrangi@arizona.edu
Avelino Arellano Associate Professor, Hydrology and Atmospheric Sciences, College of Science Associate Professor, GIDP Applied Mathematics Associate Professor, GIDP Remote Sensing and Spatial Analysis afarellano@arizona.edu